Friday, September 19, 2014

"I just...I just want someone to love me."

I've been asked by several people lately why I haven't been blogging. I'm not really sure of the answer except to say that I just haven't felt inspired. There are dozens of people who blog every day about the ins and outs of their every day lives. I have never been that type of blogger. I just talk to you when I have something to say. Lately, I've had little to say.
There has been a lot going on in our lives lately and summer was insane. But nothing to write home about, if you know what I mean! My son left for college a few weeks ago and while that was a major milestone for us, I really just didn't want to delve into that on here.  I would start blubbering like an idiot and the ink would smear...OK, just go with me...use your imagination!  Surely we all remember that when you write a letter with an actual ink pen, the ink smears if it gets wet!! Other than that major event, nothing really exciting has happened. Except, that I am now a counselor.  Yeah, that's a pretty big one!
I finished my classes and over the summer began my internship - I now have clients regularly and am working at a hospital in an outpatient treatment program. It has been an extremely exciting time for me; a culmination of 6 years of hard work, long days, endless nights, countless research papers, study guides, flash cards...the list goes on and on. But now that part of life is behind me and I am finally doing what I love to do, something I am incredibly passionate about.
I have been in this new internship site for two weeks now and have been exposed to some of the most interesting and, dare I say, courageous people.  These are some of the most down trodden individuals I have ever come across, however, the majority of them come in with a smile on their face and excitement about the work they are doing. Daily I am faced with the realization that on my worst day, I have way more than most of them have on their best day.  A day doesn't go buy when one of these precious people doesn't tug at my heart strings and remind me why I'm doing what I'm doing.  One person in particular stands out to me this week. He was sharing some of his troubles and things he needs and suddenly he just hung his head and said "I just...I just want someone to love me."  How many times in our lives have we uttered those words?  Probably, pretty rare. .  My life has not always been a smooth ride but I've always had someone that loved me and cared about me.
Every day as I talk to these people and listen to their stories and try to ease their pain, I am reminded of how much I have.  I started to say "how blessed I am," but many of these people believe they are blessed also and say as much on a daily basis.  It makes me want to be careful about using that term in a way that makes it seem as if someone who doesn't have a life similar to mine, is not 'blessed.' So many things in life, so many things we go through and how we deal with those things are sometimes, simply a matter of perspective.  
Today I have a roof over my head, beautiful, healthy children, a strong marriage, a great car, a bright future.  However, if I lost some or all of those things, would I no longer be blessed?  This experience has really made me take stock of what my blessings are and what I plan on doing with them. Are you blessed today?  Can you see around your problems, heartaches and disappointments and see blessings in your life?   I'm working on that...I'm not fully there yet...but I am a work in progress!