Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Come here mommy...please, just come here for a moment."

Today I spent hours writing a paper that is due on Thursday. For some people, the idea that I am intent finishing a paper that isn't due for two days, may seem odd. However, for me,not having an assignment completed with only two days to spare before an assignment is due is a travesty!!!  I typically have everything written at least a week before the due date, so I was feeling behind and quite frankly, considered myself to be something of a slacker.  For this reason,  when my daughter got home from school, I greeted her briefly and said "I have to finish this and then we can relax tonight," then I went back to my computer. I did feel a modicum of guilt over my hasty retreat from her presence, but in my mind, I had a great excuse.

As I got lost in all the psychobabble bouncing around in my head, I became oblivious to the time and to everything going on around me. Suddenly, my wee girl called to my office and said (rather dramatically) "mommy, come here please!"  I asked her what she wanted as I continued to pound on the keyboard. Again she said "mommy, please come here, I need you to see something!" Once again, I inquired as to the emergency.  After a minute, she walked in and came right up to the desk and took my hand off the keyboard and said "please mommy, please come here."  So I pushed away from my computer, feeling pleased with myself for the way the information was flowing out of me and hoping I didn't lose my momentum, and followed my little redhead through the house, wondering what the emergency was. She guided me to the den,  picked up a blanket from the hallway and walked me right over to the couch and said "sit", so, of course, I sat yet feeling slightly befuddled. She bent over and put my legs on the couch, then crawled on my lap and pulled the blanket over us and laid her head on my chest.  OH MY GOODNESS.  My heart just melted right there in my chest and I squeezed my little girl and just sat.  I did nothing, I said nothing, I just enjoyed the moment.

All of my children are precious and I have enjoyed those types of moments with each of them over the years. But, they are all growing up so fast and while I still spend time with my older three, they have all moved beyond the days of crawling up in my lap for some cuddle time. I am so thankful that my sweet girl had the courage to just come tear me away from my work and remind me what is truly the most important thing in my life.  As I write this, I am sitting with my two youngest, watching an episode of Psych and enjoying the quiet house, the pleasant atmosphere, and laughing with my children.  Having the ability to go to school is a blessing, but these kids...there is nothing like spending time with them. I hope I always remember what is truly important. And if I start to forget, I hope one of you will remind me!

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