Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hi, I'm Sheila Davis and I like to talk.

Well...I'm finally doing it. At the coercion of several friends and my husband, I have decided to start a blog.  At first, it seemed like genuine interest in what I had to say. I thought perhaps they wanted me to start a blog so they could enjoy more of my rapier wit!  Maybe, my countless nuggets of wisdom are so enthralling, they are just clamoring for more. However, the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that they are really just hoping that if I start a blog, it will put a stop to my never-ending Facebook statuses. Statuses that, apparently, take up an entire screen on the iPhone.  My response to that? Get an Android, screens are bigger and they won't have that problem!!  

So let me introduce myself.   My name is Sheila Davis. I am...what am I? I am a mother - of four. I am a wife - of one.  I am a sister - to three sisters. I am a college student - of six years. Yes, you read that right! I am in my sixth year of college, my second of Graduate school. I am majoring in counseling psychology. I have six months left of course work before I start my internship. Nine months of that and I become a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).  I someday want to have a private practice here in our little town. 

I married at 19 to a Navy man. We've moved all over the world and have now settled in the south. Our kids, are of course, perfect. I mean. Please.  As if I needed to tell you that.  Aren't everyone's kids perfect? And wonderful? And geniuses?  I'm joking of course, our kids are wonderful, but they aren't perfect, they're smart, but not a genius among them. They're adorable...yeah, that one is 100% correct.  They are all good looking kids. But, it is possible that I am biased. 

As I have reached this point in my life, I find myself with so much to say. I have an opinion on...wait for it...wait for it...EVERYTHING!  I have been married 22 years on the 22nd of this month. I have a daughter who is a sophomore in college, a son who is a senior in high school, a 7th grade son and a 5th grade daughter. We have more dogs than I am comfortable admitting to and that is primarily my fault. I am a sucker for a puppy. And that's my only defense. I have learned quite a bit about marriage in the last 22 years and I've learned a thing or two about being a parent in the last two decades as well. Although, I do not know quite as much about parenting as my older children do, but I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that someday, I'll be as smart as they are. 

I am also a Christian and that is the most important thing about me. I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was ten years old.   I trust him implicitly. I believe in him without reservation.  I love him unequivocally.  It is my faith in him that has molded me into the woman, mother, wife, student, person that I am today.  

I am also a conservative. Yes, I said it.  I am a Conservative Republican. But that doesn't mean I think all Republicans are right or even good, nor do think that all Democrats are bad or corrupt. I think that is pretty  even across the aisle.  I pretty much have an opinion on anything political. However, I don't always know what I'm talking about.  I do like to think that I am open minded - but not so open minded my brain falls out.

So that sums me up.  I hope you will come back frequently to see what I'm yammering about. I can't promise you'll learn a lot, but I promise to try to entertain you. I can't promise you'll always agree with me, but I do promise to respect and value your opinion if it is different than mine.  

Next topic of conversation....Marriage...You KNOW you can't wait to see what I have to say about that! :)

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