Thursday, December 5, 2013

"You're rich! You've got two different kinds of chips and one dad!"

While watching a show today with my little girl, I heard a statement that really made me think. The premise of the show is a family with three children who barely make ends meet. Their dishwasher can only run while the blow dryer is going, the washing machine is closed with duct tape and the roof leaks. This family never has two nickels to rub together. Then there is another family on the block. We don't know a lot about their financial situation, we just know that the kids are dirty and unruly and the mom is a little on the iffy side. In this particular episode the oldest daughter came in touch with the oldest son of the other family. At one point during the dialogue, the boy says to the girl "you're so rich!"  Astounded at this statement she inquired as to why he thought they were rich and he said "You've got two different kinds of chips and one dad!"  That made me do we define wealth? Is it strictly financial? Or, is it possible that there is a wealth that goes beyond dollar signs.

In the past my children have asked me if we were rich and sometimes they ask me if we're poor.  The first question comes typically the first time they see me write a check or pay an enormously large grocery bill. The second question, I actually get more often and almost always after I have denied them something they believe they "need" but I am quite certain is just a want. I also get that question after they have been to the house of a friend whose TV is bigger than ours or has more than one video gaming system or has their very own iPhone!

I can't help but smile after they inquire as to our financial status that inhibits them acquiring the same 'toys' their friends have.  There are people in the world who would look at us and think we're just poor white trash! Until yesterday my living room furniture had holes in it, my television is only 32 inches, my front porch has spider webs and the white siding on my house needs to be professionally power washed. Then there are people who might think we are rolling in the dough. I drive a Camaro, my house is quite big, my children each have their own room and I just got new living room furniture.  It is all about perspective, isn't it?  Those who have more than us, might think we are lower than them while people who don't have as much as we do, might label us 'rich.'

   My husband and I have reached a point in our life that we are comfortable. We have been blessed in many ways, not the least of which is a job that allows us financial stability. However, there have been many years in our marriage when we did not have the income we have today, but did that make us any less blessed?  There were years when we had one car because we could not afford the insurance or gas for two. Years when we didn't have cable and when the thought of internet access in our home was merely a dream.  I have been the coupon queen, I have counted my pennies and made us live on a strict budget. But...were we poor? We never sat by the bedside of a child and watched them suffer. We never lost our house in a fire. We never struggled through the pain of divorce.   I think that financial blessings are only one facet of the ways in which we are enriched in our lives. I have been given four beautiful children who have never suffered any major physical or emotional problem. My husband and I have been married 22 years and still love each other and have a good time together. I have been given the ability to go back to school and get an education. Our kids are smart and funny and love the Lord and desire to live by the values and morals we have raised them with. We have great friends and family that we love. Our blessings are too numerous to count and many of them have nothing to do with how much money we make.

As we go through this Christmas season, maybe we could all take stock of the riches we have that are not related to our checkbook. Some of you might be dealing with a great loss, some might have lost their jobs and are struggling financially, some may be dealing with health concerns. No matter what you are going through, are there things in your life that you can be thankful for? Is there anyone who loves you and cares about you? Is there anyone you love? Do you have a bed to sleep in? A car to drive?  Do you have two different kinds of chips and one dad?  Maybe you just need a change in perspective...

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